Tour Manglar con Monos - Adventure Tours Costa Rica
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Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica

Tour de Monos en los Manglares
Encuentro de Vida Silvestre

Tour de Monos en los Manglares

Cerca de Playa Jacó y Los Sueños, nuestro tour Costa Rica Monkey Mangrove brinda a su grupo sonrisas sin parar. Esta es una experiencia realmente exótica que pueden disfrutar los aventureros de todas las edades y niveles de actividad. Nuestro recorrido en bote es seguro y perfecto para familias con niños pequeños que desean experimentar de primera mano la interacción con monos capuchinos de cara blanca.

Experimente las vistas y los sonidos del manglar en el tour de monos en Costa Rica.

Esta oportunidad única en la vida tiene lugar en un bosque de manglar pantanoso ubicado cerca de la isla Damas en el lado Pacífico de Costa Rica. Los monos salvajes y otra fauna silvestre costarricense prosperan en este hábitat tropical. El manglar está lleno de árboles altos, flores, plantas tropicales y, más notablemente, el enmarañado matorral de raíces de árboles expuestos que rodean el borde del agua salobre.

Solo hay tres tipos de monos en Costa Rica y nuestro Monkey Mangrove Tour en Costa Rica ofrece a nuestros huéspedes de cerca con los curiosos capuchinos de cara blanca. El barco de pasajeros con sombra se desliza lentamente por el río manglar y es la manera perfecta de experimentar la flora y la fauna del hábitat natural de los monos. Todos nuestros recorridos tienen una guía bilingüe que proporciona una visión informativa y señala todas las criaturas interesantes que viven a lo largo del borde del río manglar.

Mire hacia arriba, mire hacia abajo, mire a su alrededor!

sloth in a tree

¡La mejor manera de experimentar este tour es mantener sus ojos abiertos y oídos atentos! Desde los cangrejos rojos que salen de los agujeros en el barro, a los perezosos que duermen en lo alto de los árboles, al batir de las lagartijas basilisco verdes que corren sobre el agua del río, hay algo que siempre se mueve en el manglar.

La emoción de la aventura se intensifica cuando el guía comienza a imitar la llamada de los monos costarricenses. Las familias de monos miran hacia abajo en su bote desde lo alto de los árboles. Cuando el bote se detiene, la curiosidad natural de los monos capuchinos de cara blanca se despierta. El guía le dará un pedacito de banano y con un poco de instrucciones sobre qué hacer cuando los monos lleguen al barco, usted estará listo para la interacción.

¡Hay un mono costarricense sobre tu cabeza!

monkey on a woman's head on a tour in Costa Rica

Hay sonrisas por todas partes cuando los monos descienden de los árboles. Nuestros clientes disfrutan de la interesante sensación de tener un pequeño mono trepando suavemente sobre ellos. Estos monos capuchinos blancos son salvajes, pero aman las golosinas que ofrece el guía. Si los monos cooperan, puede haber tiempo para interactuar con ellos varias veces.

Al igual que con todos los tours de Adventure Tours Costa Rica, esta es una aventura animal segura y respetuosa, por lo que no puede haber garantías con respecto a la interacción con los animales. Pero podemos garantizar que hay muchos momentos "asombrosos" en este recorrido por los manglares y que las oportunidades para hacer fotografías son infinitas. Como no hay un requisito de edad para nuestro tour de monos en el manglar, sus pequeños aventureros apreciarán el recuerdo de alimentar a un mono o incluso tener uno sentado en su cabeza! Entonces, si usted está en los alrededores de Playa Jacó o Los Sueños Costa Rica, no pierda la única oportunidad de hacer este tour.


What activities are available in Jaco for kids and teens?

Jaco is perfect for families! Kids and teens can enjoy the beach, whether it’s playing in the sand, swimming, or learning to surf. The El Miro Viewpoint offers an easy hike with amazing ocean views and fun graffiti-covered ruins. For adventure, the Jaco Canopy Tour lets them zip through the treetops. Just outside Jaco, they can see massive crocodiles at the Tárcoles River or spot playful monkeys at the Damas Mangrove, both exciting and educational wildlife experiences. Jaco has plenty to keep young travelers entertained!


¿Cuántas otras personas estarán en el tour [mono, cocodrilo, tirolina, kayak, Tortuga, etc.] con nosotros?

Es un recorrido compartido y el número de personas puede variar, pero el servicio siempre será personalizado.

VIP Parque Nacional Carara

  • Carara, Jaco, Los Sueños, Costa Rica
  • Vida Silvestre
  • Medio Dia Desde $79
  • Facil

Por persona (mínimo 4 personas)

Cocodrilos y Carara

  • Carara, Jaco, Los Sueños, Costa Rica
  • Vida Silvestre
  • Dia Completo Desde $129
  • Facil

Por persona (mínimo 4 personas)

VIP Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio

  • Manuel Antonio, Jaco, Los Sueños, Costa Rica
  • Vida Silvestre
  • Dia Completo Desde $119
  • Facil

Por Persona (4 personas mínimo)

Combo - Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio y Tour del Manglar con los Monos

Manuel Antonio & Monos

  • Manuel Antonio, Jaco, Los Sueños, Costa Rica
  • Vida Silvestre
  • Dia Completo Desde $159
  • Facil

Por Persona (4 personas mínimo)


Calgary, Alberta
This tour was so much fun! Diego was an exceptional guide with so many fun facts mixed with humor about the mangrove and animals! This experience was educational and fun for both adults and kids! The interactions with the monkeys were priceless and made for an unforgettable experience!

Michelle Riportella

Lake in the Hills, IL
Most enjoyable tour of the monkeys! Diego was our tour guide, and the perfect choice! His relationship and care of the monkeys as well as his knowledge was priceless! The Mongrove forest was magnificent to see and the education we learned was amazing! The pictures we got with the monkeys was worth a thousand words! Thank you again!

Michelle Riportella

Lake in the Hills, IL
Most enjoyable tour of the monkeys! Diego was our tour guide, and the perfect choice! His relationship and care of the monkeys as well as his knowledge was priceless! The Mongrove forest was magnificent to see and the education we learned was amazing! The pictures we got with the monkeys was worth a thousand words! Thank you again!

Carolyn Woomer

Tonawanda , New York
In 60 years of life I have been fortunate enough to have traveled to many regions of the world and gone on many adventures. This was one of the most incredible and memorable things I have ever done!! Our guide was wonderful and every single person got numerous experiences with our little furry friends. We will definitely be back!!

Nancy O’Neill

I thought it was a beautiful, well organized, well executed tour. The guide and boat driver were very kind and fun. I loved seeing all of the nature ~ birds, trees, flowers and monkeys. What a thrill. I do wish they would respond to something other than bananas. The guide gave us a most memorable experience. Thank you.

Debbie Thompson

St. Paul, Mn
My family and I went on the Mangrove tour while in Costa Rica last week. Six of my grandchildren, ranging in ages 10-19, were delighted with the tour as were the adults. Our guide was informative and sure to include all participants. The experience will be remembered by all for a lifetime. The monkeys were also very cooperative.

Robert O’Neill

Leander, Texas
Awesome experience, highly recommend!!

Julie Swensen

Utah , Utah
Amazing experience! If you go to Costa Rica you have to do the Monkey Mangrove tour!


Bakersfield, California
Super fun boat ride! Great for families and the monkeys come right down to the boat. It felt safe, and fun, and the mangrove was very interesting. We saw birds and snakes and lizards in addition to probably 12 monkeys.

Wendy Roten

San Antonio , Texas
This is an incredible tour! I would highly recommend it for all ages. We got to see a sloth and lots of monkeys and we were able to interact with the monkeys. It was so much fun!!!!

Howard Somers

Petersburg , Virginia
Great team, very enjoyable. They work hard to make sure you have a great experience.


Amazing, one of a kind experience and very professionally run, would highly recommend!

Lisa Previti

Long Beach , New York
We had a great time visiting the monkey mangrove. We were lucky to see a sloth climbing the vines as well as a baby sloth. The monkeys were a lot of fun too!


Bend, OR
We had a wonderful experience on the Mangrove Boat Tour. The guide was very knowledgeable and we learned a lot about the local wildlife and what makes the mangrove forest special. We saw lots of basilisk lizards run on water, a blue heron bird, an active sloth, and a couple of troops of whiteface capuchin monkeys. There is a nice couple that owns the (surprising very affordable) souvenir shop at the entrance and we were happy to support their business by buying keepsakes to bring home.


San Angelo, TX
We took our three kids and they loved this. The adults did as well! Our tour guide, Andre, has worked there for 10 years and was super knowledgeable and funny. I'm so glad we got to experience it!


Paris, Maine
This was such an amazing tour! Diego was incredibly knowledgable about the flora and fauna of the area. With over 20 years of working on the river he was able to discuss the history, the importance, and the future. It was clear that he cared deeply about the river and all of it's inhabitants. He's a perfect example of the Costa Rican way of conservation and protection. His stories and insights brought us closer to nature than I have ever experienced before.

Roxanne Marx

Royal Oak, MI
We did the monkey tour through the mangroves with our FANTASTIC guide Andre, just 4 of us on the boat and loved all of it! He has been with the company 10 years, knows all the monkeys by name and calls them in Spanish to get them close to the boat and then gets them on your shoulders, head etc. to take bananas from you. He puts banana on your face to get you kisses from the monkeys. The monkeys are sweet and gentle. I would wholeheartedly recommend this tour. *Hint try and get the smallest amt of people on your tour, so you don't have to fight for the attention of the monkeys with others. My husband, myself and our 2 friends had them all to ourselves and that really made the tour the best!


Columbia , MO
This tour was awesome. Andre was a great tour guide. He knew monkeys by name and did a lot to get them to come over and engage with us. We were fortunate to get as many monkeys so close to us. Amazing experience. Highly recommend.


Only a 4.5 because a bit of a drive. Otherwise- it was touristy but super nice. Great guide. Educational. Great experience!


Loved the monkey mangrove. Also, very nice transportation provided.


Super cool! Thank you for the experience

Julius leach

This trip was amazing, great service quick feed back nice people all around great trip


Fantastic! So much fun with our guide Diago. We learned so much about the the eco system. I would highly recommend this adventure.

Mary G


I had so much fun visiting the monkey mangrove with my family. It is a cute place to visit to see the wildlife of Costa Rica.

Diggie B

Palm Beach, Florida

I took my four year old daughter on a wildlife tour last week. It was her first time going on anything like this and she was amazed by everything that she saw. She was a little scared at first, probably because she felt overwhelmed, but she soon got over that and quickly began having fun. She kept tugging on my shirt pointing at the monkeys telling me that they were taunting her. She thought it was hilarious. Anyone that likes wildlife should definitely book a tour with Adventure Tours.

Brenden M


I took the ATV and monkey tours through Adventure Tours Costa Rica. The price was more than affordable and worth every dollar I spent. Friendly staff greeted us as soon as we arrived, and they were filled with information and were very helpful as well. I had so much fun there that I decided to buy my own ATV and find places to go where I live. I found a passion that I didn't realize I had until I went to Costa Rica. great work everyone.

Larry N


I took my wife on one of your monkey Tours for an anniversary gift. She is a big monkey lover so for her this was a special thing. She had always wanted a chance to be to be closer to the animals like this. when she realized what we were actually doing she broke down with tears of happiness. Everyone went out of their way to make that day the best day possible. I am forever grateful to you guys for the care and respect you showed us.

Fran Elberly

North Carolina

Best thing about Jaco! I highly recommend this company for tours. We had a blast over multiple days with Adventure Tours Costa Rica. We went on a monkey tour, a crocodile tour and spent a full day on ATVs in the jungle. The staff was professional and super friendly. Everyone in our group enjoyed themselves!

Mechelle Little –

The Mangrove Monkey tour was an incredible experience that I would do over and over again! The guides/staff were incredibly friendly and knowledgeable, we had great weather and it was great to see so many monkeys out. I highly recommend this company and tour for guests of any age who want a true Costa Rican experience.