¿Buscas la escapada definitiva? No busques más allá de Jacó, Costa Rica, para una aventura inolvidable en el paraíso. Ubicado a lo largo de la impresionante costa del Pacífico de Costa Rica, este encantador pueblo playero está a solo una hora y media en coche del Aeropuerto Internacional Juan Santamaría en San José (SJO). Con su atractivo local, emocionantes excursiones, playas tropicales, una increíble escena culinaria y una animada vida nocturna, Jacó promete una experiencia única.
Ya sea que anheles relajación serena o aventuras emocionantes, Jaco satisface todos los deseos. Pero antes de embarcarte, querrás familiarizarte con algunas de las maravillas que te esperan a lo largo de las pintorescas playas y bulliciosos pasillos de Jacó. Esta guía ofrece información sobre alojamientos, transporte, actividades, patrones climáticos y te dejará con mucha orientación práctica para asegurar que tus vacaciones en Jacó sean espectaculares.
Jacó, (pronunciado /ha-CO/), es un pintoresco y bullicioso pueblo playero en Costa Rica que ha sido celebrado durante mucho tiempo por sus diversas atracciones y comodidades. El pueblo de Jacó se extiende elegantemente a lo largo del océano Pacífico, ofreciendo 7 kilómetros de hermosas playas de arena. Reconocido en todo el mundo tanto como un paraíso para surfistas como un destino de clase mundial, Jacó atrae a numerosos visitantes durante todo el año.
Para aquellos inclinados hacia el surf o la natación, la Playa de Jaco y sus alrededores ofrecen olas excepcionales y condiciones ideales para disfrutar del océano durante horas. El extremo sur y la Playa Hermosa adyacente ofrecen las aguas más favorables para los entusiastas del surf, mientras que la playa central y la Playa Herradura adyacente ofrecen las mejores oportunidades para nadar.
Más allá de sus impresionantes playas, Jaco es famoso por sus impresionantes puestas de sol y una variedad de aventuras únicas. Desde emocionantes excursiones y tours de vida silvestre hasta memorables expediciones de pesca y cruceros en catamarán, no hay escasez de actividades emocionantes en las que participar. Además, el inglés se habla ampliamente aquí, lo que facilita la comunicación durante tu estadía. Jaco es un destino perfecto para muchos tipos de viajeros, desde grupos de amigos hasta parejas que buscan noches tropicales románticas, hasta familias con niños. Su proximidad al aeropuerto, la variedad de actividades y la abundancia de comodidades hacen de Jaco un destino ideal para los visitantes primerizos en Costa Rica.
Conocido como el centro nocturno de Costa Rica, Jacó ofrece una variedad de bares y clubes para satisfacer prácticamente cualquier preferencia. El pueblo emana una energía vibrante y relajada que se mantiene tanto de día como de noche. Ya sea que anheles un bar frente a la playa para tomar bebidas tropicales, una cervecería tranquila para deliciosas cervezas artesanales con amigos, o un club pulsante para bailar sin parar, Jacó lo tiene. Música en vivo, casinos, DJ, pistas de baile y mucho espacio al aire libre muestran que Jaco no es solo un gran lugar para tours de aventura, sino también el lugar ideal para celebrar el famoso espíritu de "Pura Vida" de Costa Rica. Infundido con un ambiente acogedor, Jacó garantiza una experiencia memorable. Suéltate y forja recuerdos inolvidables en medio de la ecléctica escena nocturna de Jacó.
Fuera de los bares, pubs y clubes disponibles, también encontrarás una miríada de opciones gastronómicas disponibles en Jacó. Desde restaurantes frente a la playa con impresionantes vistas del atardecer hasta elegantes restaurantes internacionales de 5 estrellas, Jacó es igualmente famoso en toda Costa Rica por sus diversas opciones culinarias. Ya sea que seas un entusiasta gastronómico exigente, vegetariano, vegano, sigas una dieta especial o vayas acompañado de niños o comensales exigentes, Jacó puede acomodarte. Jacó abraza la diversidad en la gastronomía, lo que lo convierte en un gran destino para aquellos con requisitos específicos, incluidas selecciones basadas en plantas y kosher.
Jacó, Costa Rica, llama a los aventureros que buscan emociones y exploración. Ya sea que anheles excursiones por la montaña o visitas impresionantes a cascadas, este destino ofrece algo para todos los gustos. Embárcate en emocionantes tours en ATV que aceleran la adrenalina o atraviesa los dosel de los árboles en emocionantes aventuras en tirolina. Mantente atento a los juguetones monos entre la exuberante vegetación y disfruta de vistas panorámicas que muestran exuberantes selvas tropicales y playas prístinas. Sumérgete en la cultura local explorando el bullicioso mercado de agricultores, saboreando cocina auténtica en restaurantes y visitando tiendas encantadoras. Para aquellos que anhelan relajación, Jacó presenta una gran cantidad de opciones que incluyen spas tranquilos, clases de yoga rejuvenecedoras y lujosos resorts frente a la playa.
Jacó, Costa Rica, tiene muchas cosas diferentes para hacer y disfrutar. Desde boutiques pintorescas hasta deliciosos restaurantes, no tienes que ir muy lejos de la costa para encontrar algo divertido. A lo largo de la calle principal encontrarás una gran cantidad de tiendas de recuerdos y lugares para tomar café, o bares para tomar una copa y jugar al billar. Los visitantes que viajan desde todo el mundo disfrutan de la mezcla ecléctica de actividades y experiencias que Jacó tiene para ofrecer.
Si esperas la aventura de tu vida, Adventure Tours Costa Rica tiene docenas de opciones en Jacó para ti. Los amantes de los animales pueden encontrar cocodrilos, monos o oportunidades para montar a caballo en excursiones de vida silvestre.
Para una emoción aún mayor, navega por los rápidos de los ríos Savegre o Naranjo en un emocionante tour de rafting. Desde el descenso de cañones hasta el relajante crucero en catamarán a la Isla Tortuga, Jacó satisface los deseos de cada aventurero.
¿Te preguntas qué hacer en Jacó, Costa Rica después de tu día de aventuras al aire libre? ¡No te preocupes! Jacó es uno de los mejores lugares para disfrutar de la vida nocturna costarricense. Ya sea que quieras bailar, escuchar música en vivo, probar suerte en uno de los casinos del pueblo o simplemente disfrutar de una gran cena, ¡la diversión nocturna está siempre disponible! Hay emocionantes cosas que hacer en la ciudad todas las noches de tus vacaciones.
Una de las ventajas de visitar este pueblo es su conveniente proximidad al Aeropuerto Internacional Juan Santamaría (SJO) en San José.
¿Te preguntas sobre la distancia entre Jacó y San José? Un vistazo rápido al mapa revela que está a solo una hora y media en coche de la ciudad capital de Costa Rica, hogar de SJO, el aeropuerto más grande del país. Los viajeros expertos a Costa Rica organizan su transporte desde el aeropuerto hasta su alojamiento con anticipación a su viaje, garantizando un viaje seguro y sin problemas a su destino.
Ubicado en la costa del Pacífico del país en la desembocadura sur del Golfo de Nicoya, Jacó forma parte de la provincia de Puntarenas. La ciudad se encuentra entre varias montañas y está rodeada por las playas de la Bahía de Herradura al norte y Playa Hermosa al sur (no confundirla con otra playa con el mismo nombre en la provincia de Guanacaste). A unos 35 kilómetros al norte se encuentra el Parque Nacional Carara, reconocido por su exuberante vida silvestre y densa selva tropical. Carara es hogar de una de las poblaciones más grandes de guacamayas escarlatas silvestres que quedan en el país. El Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio está ubicado a 75 kilómetros al sur de Jacó.
La altitud de Jacó es de 7 metros (aproximadamente 23 pies) sobre el nivel del mar. En las montañas, puedes alcanzar hasta 3,000 pies o 914 metros. Sus montañas están formadas geológicamente por rocas volcánicas, proporcionando un paisaje bellamente diverso en toda la región.
Jacó es un lugar favorito para turistas y ticos (nacionales costarricenses) por igual, por lo que hay muchas opciones excelentes de alojamiento en la zona. Muchos vacacionistas eligen alquilar un condominio en una de las comunidades cerradas aquí que tienen acceso a la playa con piscinas privadas y todas las comodidades del hogar. Las unidades de alquiler ofrecen mucha privacidad y espacio para moverse, y generalmente están bien mantenidas y actualizadas con comodidades modernas.
¡Los condominios no son los únicos lugares para alojarse! No hay escasez de otros alquileres de vacaciones privados u hoteles en este impresionante pueblo. Disfruta de un alquiler frente a la playa en Costa Rica, un tranquilo resort o uno de los grandes hoteles con casino que Jacó, Costa Rica, tiene para ofrecer. Si buscas una experiencia de lujo, echa un vistazo al Los Sueños Resort, a solo diez minutos en coche del centro de Jaco.
Las temperaturas promedio en Jacó, Costa Rica, están entre 85-90°F durante el día y 75-80°F por la noche. Las temperaturas promedio mensuales en Jacó son más bajas en los meses alrededor de octubre y son más altas cerca de marzo, pero nunca varían más de 10 grados en ninguna dirección a lo largo del año. El centro de Jacó es más caluroso desde media mañana hasta tarde en la tarde. Hay dos estaciones climáticas en Jacó. La temporada seca va desde mediados de diciembre hasta finales de abril, y la temporada de lluvias, (llamada temporada verde localmente), va desde mayo hasta principios de diciembre, oficialmente, aunque las lluvias durante la temporada de lluvias se desarrollan lentamente dejando los meses de mayo a julio relativamente despejados. De agosto a principios de noviembre hay un aumento en la lluvia, particularmente en forma de lluvias vespertinas. Estas tormentas suelen ser cortas y poderosas, durando alrededor de 1-3 horas en promedio. El mes de octubre es el más lluvioso en Jaco, mientras que las lluvias generalmente comienzan a disminuir en noviembre, dando paso a la temporada seca que se reanuda el 15 de diciembre. Este patrón climático deja a los vacacionistas mucho tiempo durante el día para disfrutar de todo lo que la ciudad y sus alrededores tienen para ofrecer. Aquellos que están familiarizados con las estaciones en Jacó a menudo aprovechan la temporada verde para disfrutar de los precios más bajos de los hoteles y paquetes, los vibrantes bosques tropicales y un ambiente menos concurrido. La temporada verde también es preferida por los entusiastas de la pesca deportiva que buscan peces que cazan emboscadas como el atún aleta amarilla, el wahoo, el pargo, el dorado, el pez gallo y el marlín negro, todos los cuales ven sus meses de temporada pico durante la temporada verde de Costa Rica.
Entonces, ¿vale la pena visitar Jacó, Costa Rica? Absolutamente, sí. Jacó es un destino encantador rebosante de encanto y aventura, lo que lo hace indudablemente digno de una visita. Ubicado a lo largo de la costa del Pacífico, Jacó cuenta con playas tropicales ideales para la relajación al sol o deportes acuáticos emocionantes. Más allá de su impresionante belleza natural, Jacó ofrece una diversa gama de actividades para satisfacer los deseos de cada viajero. Desde emocionantes aventuras en canopy a través de exuberantes selvas tropicales hasta emocionantes recorridos en ATV explorando terrenos escarpados, el pueblo atiende a los amantes de la adrenalina y los entusiastas de la naturaleza por igual. Además, la vibrante escena cultural de Jacó atrae con su ecléctica mezcla de mercados locales, cocina auténtica y animada vida nocturna, asegurando una experiencia inmersiva para los visitantes. La fácil comunicación en Jacó garantiza que puedas hablar, entender y ser entendido aquí. Amplias opciones de transporte pueden llevarte hacia y desde el aeropuerto SJO, y hacia tus aventuras con facilidad. Ya sea que busques relajación, excursiones o exploración cultural, Jacó promete un viaje inolvidable lleno de infinitas posibilidades.
A lo largo de Costa Rica, Jacó es una de las regiones turísticas de más rápido crecimiento. Atrae a exploradores de todo el mundo debido a su sólida infraestructura, comodidades modernas y una gran cantidad de opciones para la aventura y la naturaleza.
El pueblo de Jacó alberga a unos 11,000 residentes. Es la capital del distrito de Garabito, que tiene alrededor de 20,000 residentes en total. La población residente, así como la "población flotante", han aumentado inmensamente en esta área en las últimas décadas debido al auge de la industria turística aquí.
Gracias a este crecimiento significativo, muchos nuevos negocios, servicios modernos y escuelas han surgido en todo el distrito de Garabito. Un gran porcentaje de los que viven en la región son expatriados, atraídos por la belleza de Jacó por las majestuosas costas del océano Pacífico y la exuberante maravilla de la selva tropical montañosa. Estos recién llegados se suman al vibrante tapiz de Jacó, trayendo influencias e idiomas internacionales que contribuyen a la increíble diversidad de Jacó.
Excursiones aventureras, vida silvestre increíble y alojamientos de lujo y económicos hacen que Jacó valga la pena visitar. ¡Únete a nosotros para unas vacaciones en Costa Rica que no olvidarás pronto!
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Yes, Uber operates in Jaco, but availability can be limited compared to larger cities like San José. You may find Ubers more easily during peak hours, but at times, there may be none available. Taxis are widely available and are the more common mode of transport. If you need a ride for a longer trip, such as SJO airport, or private transfers between destinations within Costa Rica, you will likely find that pre-arranged transportation is the most reliable service. If using Uber, always check wait times and fare estimates in advance.
Costa Rica has plenty of great souvenirs that make thoughtful gifts. Costa Rican coffee is a top choice, known for its rich flavor and high quality. Chocolate made from local cacao is another delicious option. For something unique, consider handmade wooden crafts, such as bowls or carvings made from sustainable hardwoods. Artisan jewelry and colorful woven textiles from local markets also make great keepsakes. In Jaco, Tico Pod Art House and Gifts is a great place to get started shopping for people back home.
Yes, Jaco has street vendors, especially in tourist areas and along the beach, selling souvenirs, snacks, and services like massages or surf lessons. Most are friendly, and a simple "No, gracias" is enough if you're not interested.
For tours or excursions, always book with a licensed and insured provider rather than a street peddler. This ensures certified guides, safe equipment, and quality service that meets Costa Rica’s tourism standards. When you're ready to reserve, contact us - we're happy to help!
Jaco is one of Costa Rica’s most popular beach towns, so it can feel busy, especially during high season (December–April) and on weekends when locals from San José visit. The main beach, restaurants, and nightlife spots tend to be lively, but you can still find quieter moments. If you prefer fewer crowds, visit on weekdays or explore less busy nearby beaches like Playa Hermosa or Playa Mantas. While Jaco has an energetic vibe, there’s plenty of space to enjoy its beauty without feeling overwhelmed.
A 3 to 4-day stay in Jaco is ideal for enjoying the beach, adventure activities, and nearby attractions. In three days, you can relax on the beach, go surfing, take an ATV or canopy tour, and enjoy Jaco’s vibrant dining and nightlife. With four or more days, you can explore Carara National Park, take a horseback waterfall tour, or visit the Tarcoles River for crocodile spotting. If you want a mix of adventure and relaxation, Jaco makes a great base for a few days before heading to other destinations like Manuel Antonio or Monteverde.
Evenings in Jaco start early, with most people heading out for dinner around 6:00–8:00 p.m. Restaurants and beachfront bars are lively during this time, especially with sunset views. For those looking for nightlife, bars and lounges start filling up around 8:00–10:00 p.m., with some spots staying busy well past midnight. Clubs and late-night venues get going around 10:30–11:00 p.m., with the party lasting until 2:00–3:00 a.m. Whether you prefer a relaxed dinner or a late-night party, Jaco has something for every vibe.
Yes, Jaco has mosquitoes, especially during the rainy season (May–November) and in humid areas near rivers, mangroves, and forests. However, the beach itself has fewer mosquitoes due to ocean breezes. If you’re hiking, taking a jungle tour, or spending time outdoors in the early morning or evening, bug spray is recommended to avoid bites. Using repellent with DEET, picaridin, or natural options like citronella, wearing light, long sleeves in buggy areas, and staying in places with screens or air conditioning can help keep mosquitoes away.
Monkeys are not commonly seen in Jaco town or on the busier parts of the beach, but you can spot them in nearby rainforests and national parks. Just 30 minutes north, Carara National Park is home to howler monkeys and white-faced capuchins, while Manuel Antonio National Park, about an hour south, has a large population of squirrel monkeys, capuchins, and howlers. For a closer encounter, the Damas Island Mangrove tour (40 minutes away) offers a chance to see monkeys in their natural habitat. While Jaco itself isn’t a prime monkey-spotting location, a short trip will get you there!
While Jaco Beach itself is not a common place to see crocodiles, they do inhabit nearby rivers and estuaries, such as the Tárcoles River, about 30 minutes north of Jaco. This river is famous for its large population of American crocodiles, some of which can be seen basking near the bridge. Occasionally, crocodiles have been spotted in the mouth of the Tárcoles River and other estuaries along the coast, but they typically stay away from the open ocean and busy beach areas. If you want to see them up close, a Tárcoles River crocodile tour is a great option.
Yes, bug spray is recommended in Jaco, especially if you plan to be outdoors in the early morning or evening. While Jaco’s beach areas have fewer mosquitoes due to ocean breezes, insects can be noticeable during the sunrise and sunset. Humid areas near rivers or in the jungle also experience mosquitos. If you're hiking, exploring rainforests, or visiting nearby parks like Carara or Manuel Antonio, bug spray is essential. A repellent with DEET, picaridin, or natural alternatives like citronella work well.
Sloths aren’t commonly found in Jaco itself, as the area is dominated by beaches and dry forest rather than the dense rainforest they prefer. However, taking a rainforest tour from Jaco significantly increases your chances of spotting one. For the best sloth sightings, consider a guided tour of Manuel Antonio National Park, located about an hour south of Jaco, or Carara National Park, just 30 minutes north. Both parks provide the lush habitat sloths thrive in, making them ideal spots to see these slow-moving creatures in the wild.
Jaco has a tropical climate with two main seasons: dry season (December–April) and green season (May–November).
Jaco is warm year-round, with ocean breezes making the heat more comfortable.
Jaco has excellent options for plant-based dining. Karma Café & Restaurant is a top choice, serving fresh, flavorful vegan and vegetarian dishes in a relaxed setting. Sabress Kosher Restaurant offers delicious Middle Eastern and Israeli-inspired meals, with plenty of vegetarian-friendly options. SER Restaurante specializes in healthy, organic cuisine, perfect for those seeking plant-based and gluten-free meals. For those craving bold flavors, Hola India Restaurant Jaco serves authentic Indian dishes with a variety of vegetarian and vegan curries, dals, and breads. Whether you’re fully plant-based or just looking for a meat-free meal, Jaco has great choices.
A great choice is Flor de Caña rum, known for its smoothness and rich flavor—the older the vintage, the smoother taste. Aged varieties like 12-year or 18-year are perfect for sipping. While Flor de Caña originates from Nicaragua, it’s widely enjoyed in Costa Rica. For something local, consider Cacique Guaro, Costa Rica’s national sugarcane liquor, great for cocktails like Chiliguaro. If you prefer craft spirits, some local Costa Rican rums and artisanal liquors are also worth exploring. Whatever you choose, these make for excellent souvenirs or gifts.
The most commonly eaten food in Costa Rica is gallo pinto, a flavorful mix of rice and black beans, typically served for breakfast with eggs, tortillas, and natilla (sour cream). For lunch and dinner, casados are a staple, featuring rice, beans, plantains, salad, and a choice of protein like chicken, beef, or fish. These simple yet nutritious dishes are a daily part of Costa Rican life, reflecting the country's fresh ingredients and traditional flavors.
The most popular alcoholic drink in Costa Rica is Guaro, a clear sugarcane liquor often mixed into cocktails like the Chiliguaro, a spicy shot with tomato juice, lime, and hot sauce. Costa Ricans also enjoy Imperial and Pilsen, the country’s most well-known beers. For something tropical, rum-based drinks like piña coladas and mojitos are common, especially at beach bars. Whether sipping a Chiliguaro with friends or enjoying an ice-cold Imperial by the ocean, Costa Rica’s drinks reflect its laid-back, tropical vibe.
In Costa Rica, lunch (almuerzo) is the biggest and most important meal of the day. A typical lunch includes a casado, a balanced plate with rice, black beans, plantains, salad, and a choice of protein like chicken, beef, fish, or pork. It’s often served with fresh fruit juice and sometimes tortillas. Meals are homemade, hearty, and designed to provide energy for the rest of the day. While dinner is also enjoyed, it’s usually lighter than lunch, with options like soup, gallo pinto, or sandwiches.
Costa Ricans typically start their day with coffee, often brewed using a chorreador, a traditional drip method that enhances the rich flavor of locally grown beans. Another common choice is agua dulce, a warm drink made by dissolving raw sugarcane (tapa de dulce) in hot water or milk. Fresh fruit juices, like orange, papaya, or guanabana, are also popular, especially in warmer regions, such as Jaco.
As you walk down to Jaco Beach and gaze across the Pacific ocean to the shimmering outline of the Nicoya Peninsula, (one of the world's "Blue Zones" - a geographic location where people live longer, healthier lives), you may be inspired to try a healthier breakfast. Start with gallo pinto (a mix of rice and black beans), and add some fresh fruit like papaya, mangos, or guanabana on the side. Serve with homemade corn tortillas and you'll be well on your way to a Costa Rican style, blue zone breakfast. To drink, enjoy agua dulce (hot sugarcane water) or freshly brewed coffee. The focus of your breakfast should be on whole, unprocessed foods, rich in fiber and antioxidants, supporting a long and active life.
In Jaco, breakfast is typically enjoyed between 6:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m., though some spots serve it later. Many locals and early risers start their day with gallo pinto or fresh fruit before heading to work or the beach. Tourists and surfers often grab breakfast around 7:00–8:00 a.m., especially at cafés and beachfront spots. Restaurants catering to visitors may serve breakfast well into late morning or even early afternoon. Whether you're up early for an adventure or prefer a leisurely start, Jaco has plenty of breakfast options to fit your schedule.
Jaco has plenty of great dining options for families. The Pizza Shop serves up delicious, hand-tossed pizzas that kids love. Ridiculous Burgers is perfect for big appetites, offering massive, creative burgers. Taco Joint keeps things simple and tasty with kid-approved tacos and quesadillas. For another pizza option, Pizza Pata is a local favorite with unique flavors and a fun atmosphere. If you're looking for a mix of options, Pepper’s Grill and Seafood has everything from fresh seafood to comfort food. And for a sweet treat, Rebelissimo - Gelato Genuino offers amazing Italian-style gelato.
Jaco has fantastic breakfast spots for every taste. Taco Bar offers a laid-back atmosphere with fresh fruit, yogurt, and build-your-own breakfast tacos. Green Room serves up hearty breakfasts with a focus on fresh, local ingredients. For a classic American-style meal, Mary’s Diner has pancakes, eggs, and crispy bacon. If you’re after something light and refreshing, Gaia Smoothies and Acai Bowls blends up delicious smoothie bowls packed with tropical flavors. And for a sweet start to the day, Los Cafeteros is known for its incredible crepes. Whether you want savory, sweet, or healthy, Jaco has it all.
Jaco has plenty of great spots for a quality coffee fix. Roasted Edge is a must-visit for expertly roasted local beans and rich espresso drinks. Jet Fuel Coffee Shop is perfect for a quick caffeine boost, offering strong coffee and a cozy atmosphere. Britt Café Bakery Jacó serves up Costa Rican coffee alongside fresh pastries. Pachi’s Pan is a local favorite, known for its baked goods and smooth coffee. For a laid-back vibe, Café Bohío offers great brews in a relaxed, surf-inspired setting. No matter your preference, Jaco has the perfect spot to enjoy a great cup of coffee.
Jaco has a diverse dining scene with top-rated options. El Manglar Restaurante & Bar offers fresh seafood and Costa Rican cuisine in a relaxed setting. Amara is perfect for Mediterranean flavors, serving fresh, flavorful dishes with a modern touch. For something different, Jerah Authentic Thai Cuisine delivers bold Thai flavors, from curries to noodle dishes. Sushi lovers will enjoy Ohana Sushi Tapas Bar, known for creative rolls and fresh seafood. If you’re looking for kosher dining, Sabress Kosher Restaurant serves delicious Israeli and Middle Eastern favorites. Whether casual or refined, Jaco has a restaurant for every taste.
Jaco offers a mix of traditional Costa Rican flavors and fresh seafood. Local favorites include casados, a hearty meal with rice, beans, plantains, and protein; ensalada rusa, a creamy beet and potato salad; and gallo pinto, a classic rice and beans dish. Since Jaco sits by the ocean and some of the world's most fertile fishing grounds, it's a seafood lover’s dream. From fresh ceviche to high-end seafood dining and even sushi, Jaco’s coastal location ensures some of the best seafood in Costa Rica. Whether casual or upscale, the flavors here won’t disappoint.
Jaco is perfect for families! Kids and teens can enjoy the beach, whether it’s playing in the sand, swimming, or learning to surf. The El Miro Viewpoint offers an easy hike with amazing ocean views and fun graffiti-covered ruins. For adventure, the Jaco Canopy Tour lets them zip through the treetops. Just outside Jaco, they can see massive crocodiles at the Tárcoles River or spot playful monkeys at the Damas Mangrove, both exciting and educational wildlife experiences. Jaco has plenty to keep young travelers entertained!
Jaco is a hub for adventure and beachside relaxation. ATV tours take you off-road through lush jungle trails, offering incredible ocean views. The Jaco Canopy Tour lets you soar above the treetops on a thrilling zipline adventure. If you love nature, a horseback waterfall tour combines scenic riding with a refreshing swim at a hidden cascade.
The beach itself is a highlight—whether you’re surfing Jaco’s famous waves, swimming, sunning, or just people-watching by the shore. For extreme adventurers, Jaco Extreme Waterfall Rappelling delivers an adrenaline rush as you descend rushing waterfalls deep in the rainforest. Whether you're seeking action or relaxation, Jaco offers an unforgettable experience.
You likely won’t need an electrical outlet adapter in Jaco, Costa Rica if you’re traveling from the United States or Canada. Costa Rica uses a 120-volt system with outlets that are compatible with standard two-prong plugs, just like in these countries. However, if your device uses a three-prong grounded plug, it’s a good idea to pack a two-to-three-prong adapter since older outlets may not accommodate the third prong.
If you’re visiting from Europe, the UK, or other regions with 220-volt systems, you’ll need a plug adapter and possibly a voltage converter unless your devices are dual voltage. [View Full Blog Post]
For celebrating birthdays or bachelor/bachelorette parties in Jaco, the Rainforest Adventure Jungle Booze Cruise, is an excellent choice. The Jungle Booze Cruise offers a lively atmosphere with ice cold beer, a designated driver, incredible rainforest views, and a warm and welcoming glimpse at the stunning landscapes and friendly people living in off the beaten path, in tiny rural towns up in the mountains above Jaco. Topping it off, the tour features a delicious included meal and a chance to play and swim at a beautiful hidden waterfall. Other excellent options include the Tortuga Catamaran Party Tour, and the many ATV tours leaving from Jaco.
Nestled along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, Jaco traces its roots back to a humble fishing village. However, during the 1960s, this tranquil settlement experienced a transformative shift as surfers from around the world discovered its pristine beaches and consistent waves, propelling Jaco into the spotlight as a surfing mecca. Since then, Jaco has undergone remarkable development, evolving into a world-class travel destination that caters to diverse interests and preferences. Today, visitors flock to Jaco not only for its legendary surf breaks but also for its renowned sportfishing opportunities, luxurious condos and hotels offering unparalleled ocean views, and a burgeoning culinary scene that caters to every palate, including those with Kosher, vegetarian, and vegan dietary requirements—a rarity in Central and South American countries. Moreover, Jaco serves as a gateway to adventure, with a plethora of thrilling tours available in the surrounding area, from ziplining through lush rainforests to exploring hidden waterfalls and encountering exotic wildlife. Jaco's journey from a small fishing village to a thriving tourist hotspot epitomizes its resilience and adaptability, captivating travelers with its natural beauty, warm hospitality, and endless opportunities for exploration and relaxation. [View Full Blog Post]
The drive from Jaco Beach to La Fortuna typically takes around 4.5 hours, depending on traffic conditions, weather, and any stops you may want to make along the way. With our VIP in-country private transport service, we prioritize efficiency and comfort, ensuring you arrive at your destination swiftly while enjoying a smooth and pleasant journey through Costa Rica's scenic landscapes.
Yes! Adventure Tours Costa Rica creates custom vacation packages tailored to your preferences. While our packages typically include a combination of private transportation and localized tour transport, if you prefer to have a rental car during your vacation, we are more than happy to accommodate your request. To begin planning your perfect Costa Rican vacation, contact us today!
Absolutely! Adventure Tours Costa Rica offers custom vacation packages designed to suit your preferences. Our comprehensive vacation packages include accommodations, tours, and a combination of private and tour transportation, providing convenience and flexibility for our customers. Whether you're looking to explore Costa Rica's stunning destinations or simply relax and unwind, we've got you covered. Contact us today to start planning your dream Costa Rican vacation.
Yes, absolutely. We specializes in crafting custom vacation packages tailored to your preferences. If you're planning a trip to the Jaco and Los Suenos areas and wish to incorporate a motorcycle rental into your itinerary, we're here to make it happen. Contact us today to begin organizing your ideal Costa Rican getaway!
One of the most prestigious sportfishing destinations in the world is only 15 minutes north of Jaco in Los Suenos, Costa Rica. Los Suenos is home to the Signature Triple Crown and has hosted the International Masters Tournament, along with many other renowned fishing championships. If you're staying in the Jaco area and enjoy sportfishing, you'll definitely want to book a Los Suenos fishing charter.
Jaco is an excellent destination for families with kids, thanks to its family-friendly attractions, beaches, and activities. Some of the popular kid-friendly options in Jaco include the Tortuga Island Catamaran tour, surfing lessons, horseback riding, Rainforest Safari or ATV tours, canopy ziplining, monkey tours, crocodile tours and guided hikes of the national parks: both Carara and Manuel Antonio are nearby. In addition, the abundance of both local and international cuisine on offer in Jaco appeals to families with children who are picky eaters or have dietary restrictions. It is worth noting that Jaco can get quite crowded during peak season and holidays, so it's important to plan ahead to secure your spots.
Travelers who are preparing for their upcoming vacation to Jaco Costa Rica should take certain steps to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip. These preparations include learning about the local weather and packing with the weather and your planned activities in mind, informing your financial institutions and cell phone providers about your travel plans, and checking that your passport is current and will not expire during your travel dates. It is also important to familiarize yourself with the local currency, fill your prescriptions for any necessary medications, and if you are traveling solo, you should discuss your plans in detail with family or your closest friends.
Jaco beach is known as a world renowned surfing spot, but it is the presence of these waves that make Jaco less than ideal for snorkeling. Repeated motion of the ocean’s water causes sand particles to scatter, which in turn, causes limited visibility. There are several snorkeling options available from Jaco that offer excellent visibility if you seek to explore Costa Rica’s underwater world.
Jaco is a great destination for first-time travelers to Costa Rica due to its proximity to SJO Airport and ease of accessibility. It offers a wide range of activities, including wildlife, water sports and adventure tours. The town has hotel and condo options for various budgets and a wide range of restaurants, bars, and shops. While there are other cities and towns in Costa Rica that offer fantastic experiences, Jaco is an ideal location for first-time travelers exploring the country.
The amount of money needed for a vacation in Jaco will depend on your travel style, accommodation preferences, the size of your group, the activities you want to do, and your dining choices. Some travelers on a tight budget might be comfortable with budget accommodation, eating street food, or taking public transportation, while others might prefer luxury resorts, fine dining, and private tours. The easiest way to budget for your Jaco vacation is to contact one of our agents for a quote.
Yes! Most of Jaco can easily be explored on foot. Shops, grocery stores, restaurants, bars, and beaches are all within walking distance of the town center. Depending on where you are staying, you should be able to walk just about anywhere in the town of Jaco you’d like to go. Strolls along the shoreline are quite beautiful. Most people can walk from one end of Jaco Beach to the other in around 20 minutes. Cab rides are also cheap in Jaco if you prefer. They typically only cost around $2-$3 to get you anywhere in town.
No, Jaco Beach is not a black sand beach. Instead, it has a grayish, sandy beach with a few scattered rocks, mostly on the northern end. The sand at Jaco is not black, but it is still a beautiful and popular beach destination.
Jaco Beach is one of the most popular beaches in Costa Rica, with a stunning coastline, warm Pacific waters, and incredible views. Since Costa Rica is known for breathtaking beaches, determining which is the best is probably next to impossible. That said, what really separates Jaco from the rest is the abundance of local amenities and activities on offer. With a lively, laid-back atmosphere, great surf, plenty of dining options, shopping, a vibrant nightlife, and its close proximity to two national parks and dozens of adventure tours in the area, we think it’s safe to say that Jaco Costa Rica is pretty hard to beat.
The town of Jaco itself is actually at the foot beautiful primary and secondary rainforest mountains, however these rainforests are typically only accessible by way of excursions, such as Jaco ATV tours or canopy zipline adventures. The closest rainforests for hiking are Carara National Park, which is located about 15.5 miles north of Jaco, and Manuel Antonio National Park, approximately 37 miles to the south of Jaco. Organized hikes or adventure tours are always the best way to explore the rainforests in Costa Rica.
Some of the best day trips from Jaco include a full day ATV tour exploring the rainforest mountains that surround Jaco Beach, or a full day of sportfishing out of Los Suenos Marina. Combo tours are also available, including a combo Monkey Mangrove and Manuel Antonio National Park trip for the nature lovers in your group, or a Canopy Zipline and ATV combo tour for those seeking a truly thrilling adventure. Tortuga Island is another great day trip, departing from nearby Los Suenos with local transport included for free.
One of the top attractions in Jaco include its beautiful sandy beaches, which are perfect for surfing, swimming, and sunbathing. Jaco also offers a variety of outdoor activities such as hiking in the rainforest, ziplining, and ATV tours. In addition, visitors can explore the local culture by visiting the main strip in Jaco, which offers a variety of shops where you can find souvenirs and local crafts. The nearby Carara National Park is also a popular attraction, with opportunities for bird watching and hiking. Other noteworthy attractions in Jaco include Rio Tarcoles, Crocodile River, Croc’s Casino, and Los Suenos Marina.
Transportation in Jaco is relatively easy. When getting around, walking and biking are excellent options for short distances. For longer distances, taxis, Uber, or private transportation are options. Official red taxis cruise the main roads in Jaco and can be hailed on the street. Other options for transport include rental cars, with offices for pickup in both SJO and Jaco. If you decide to rent a car, it is important to note that damage deposits, mandatory insurances, and taxes can be rather costly, and conditions may also be challenging for drivers who are inexperienced with the local roads.
Jaco is a popular destination for families, and there are plenty of things to do with kids. Some of the best things to do in Jaco with kids include visiting the beach, taking a surf lesson, exploring the national parks with a family friendly guide, checking out Rio Tarcoles on an exciting crocodile tour, or visiting the curious whiteface monkeys that live in the mangroves about 40 minutes away. Other kid-friendly activities in Jaco include outrigger canoe trips, Rainforest Safari excursions, and ATV tours with a Rhino. Finally, a day trip to Tortuga Island is sure to delight everyone in the family.
The primary language spoken in Jaco is Spanish. However, due to its popularity as a world-class destination, a large percentage of the locals also speak English fluently. Tour guides and transportation drivers are bilingual, making it easy to enjoy Jaco tours and excursions during your stay without worrying about a language barrier.
Jaco offers a variety of unique activities for vacationers. Those seeking a unique adventure can take a catamaran tour to Tortuga Island, go horseback riding, or take an ATV tour through the rainforest. The monkey mangrove tour in Damas offers the chance at a truly unique wildlife encounter and shouldn’t be missed.
The best time to visit Jaco is generally during the dry season, which lasts from December to April. During this time, visitors can enjoy sunny weather and clear skies, making it the perfect time for outdoor activities. However, the high season also means higher prices and more tourists, longer lines, and limited availablity. Those who prefer fewer crowds and lower prices may want to consider visiting Jaco during green season, which occurs from May-November. Despite some afternoon showers, visitors can still enjoy pleasant weather and fewer crowds during this time, with the added bonus of considerable savings.
Jaco offers a wide range of activities and attractions. The town is known for its beautiful beaches, ideal for surfing, swimming, and sunbathing. Visitors can also experience the lush rainforest, where they can hike, birdwatch, and see various wildlife species. Jaco also has a vibrant nightlife scene, with plenty of brew pubs, bars and clubs to choose from. For those seeking a more relaxed atmosphere, there are many spas, yoga studios, and wellness centers in the area. Finally, Jaco boasts a diverse dining scene, offering a variety of cuisine options for travelers with a picky palate or dietary restrictions, including vegan, vegetarian, and Kosher requirements.
The town of Jaco and the ocean itself are safe if you take proper precautions. Out in the water, undercurrents and stronger waves can develop, particularly on the northern end of the beach. Visitors are advised to swim only in designated areas and within sight of a lifeguard and other beachgoers. It's important to pay attention to posted safety signs, know your limits, and keep within ear and eyeshot of other people. No matter where you are, it's never a good idea to swim alone on a deserted section of the beach or swim in the ocean at night. With caution and common sense, visitors can safely enjoy the beautiful Pacific waters at Jaco Beach, and all that this town has to offer.
Jaco is full of hidden gems for visitors to explore. One such gem is the Tarcoles River, which is home to a large population of massive crocodiles and offers boat tours for visitors. Another hidden gem is the nearby Carara National Park, which is home to a variety of wildlife such as macaws, toucans, and many rare birds. For those looking for a stunning sunset view, the amphitheater at Villa Caletas offers a vantage point that can take your breath away. Visitors can also take an ATV tour into the rainforest mountains that surround Jaco, where you’ll get to enjoy parts of the backcountry, quaint mountain towns, and even a hidden waterfall that few outsiders get the chance to see.
Jaco is known for its vibrant nightlife scene and is considered a party town by some as it offers a variety of bars, casinos, nightclubs, and restaurants that stay open late into the night. Jaco also has a more laid-back side, with its beautiful beaches and outdoor activities attracting visitors looking for a more relaxed vacation. The area has many tours and amenities that appeal to families with children as well. Depending on one's preferences, Jaco can be a party town, a family-friendly destination, or a peaceful retreat - it's really up to you!
Jaco is well known for its beautiful beaches, surfing, and nightlife. It is a popular tourist destination in Costa Rica, offering a range of activities such as ziplining, ATV tours, and fishing. The town is also home to a variety of restaurants and bars, making it a lively spot for both locals and visitors.
Jaco Costa Rica is generally considered a safe place to visit. Although it has a reputation as a party town, there is generally low crime and violence reported in the area. Jaco is well patrolled by local police who have a presence in the streets.
Yes, Jaco has some of the best beaches in Costa Rica. The beaches in Jaco are known for their beautiful white sand and turquoise waters. There are also many fun activities to do on the beach such as surfing, swimming, snorkeling and sunbathing.
Massage prices in Jaco typically range from $45 to $70 per hour.
Yes, you can drink on the beach in Jaco. The beach in Jaco is a great place to relax and enjoy a few drinks. There are many bars and restaurants along the beachfront that offer a variety of alcoholic beverages. You can also purchase alcoholic beverages at convenience stores and bring them to the beach. However, it is important to remember that public intoxication is illegal in Jaco, so you should be mindful of your consumption and always drink responsibly. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the local laws and regulations regarding drinking alcohol in public, as they can vary from place to place. All in all, drinking on the beach in Jaco can be a great way to enjoy the local atmosphere and the beautiful scenery.
Many people find Jaco to be a great tourist destination due to its beautiful beaches, vibrant nightlife, and many available activities and tours. It has a great infrastructure with plenty of shops, restaurants, and entertainment options, but it can also be quite crowded. It also may not be the most authentic experience of Costa Rica, since it has heavily shifted toward catering to tourists. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide if Jaco is too touristy for them.
The price of a beer in Jaco can vary depending on the type of beer and where it is purchased. Generally, an imported beer can cost between $2 - $4 USD, while a local beer will cost around $1 - $2 USD.
Jaco is a beach town, so it is important to wear clothes that are appropriate for a beach destination. As a general rule, light and airy clothing made from breathable fabrics is ideal for a hot and humid climate. A tank top and shorts are a great option for a casual day, and a sundress or a skirt and blouse can be more suitable for a night out. Women should also bring a scarf to use as a beach cover up, since some beaches may require modest dress. In addition, it's always a good idea to bring a hat or sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun. You should also pack sandals or flip flops to wear while exploring the town or going to the beach.
It is not necessary to have a rental car in Jaco. Public transportation such as Uber, taxis and buses are widely available. Additionally, there are many rental car companies located in the area if you would prefer to have your own vehicle. However, if you plan to do a lot of sightseeing or if you are looking for a convenient way to get around town, a car would definitely be an asset. If you plan to stay mostly within walking distance of downtown Jaco, you may not need a car.
If you do plan to rent a car, it is important to keep in mind that parking can be difficult in Jaco, especially near the beach and downtown areas. Make sure that your hotel or condo has space for your vehicle.
The amount of time you should stay in Jaco depends on what you want to do while you are here. Jaco is a popular beach town in Costa Rica that offers activities ranging from ATV tours, to surfing, to zip-lining, to hiking. It can be a great destination for a beach vacation, a weekend getaway, or a longer stay. If you plan to stay for a week or longer, you should be able to take part in a variety of activities and explore the local culture. Jaco is a great destination for any length of stay - we’ve been here since 2001! ;)
Yes, in general, it is safe to drink the water in Jaco, Costa Rica. The water in the town is treated with chlorine and other chemicals to make it safe for drinking. However, some visitors may experience some gastrointestinal issues due to the change in water mineral content, so it is recommended to drink bottled water or filtered water instead.
Yes, you can swim at Jaco Beach. The beach is very popular for swimming, surfing, and other beach activities. The warm water temperatures and good waves make it a great spot for swimming. Swimming is allowed in designated areas, and there are lifeguards on duty during the day. The South end of the beach has much calmer currents than the North end. So, if you’re an intermediate swimmer, stick to the South end of the beach. Also, as conditions can vary depending on the time of day/tides, wave conditions, and weather.
Jaco, Costa Rica is approximately 94 kilometers (58 miles) from the Juan Santamaria International Airport in San Jose, Costa Rica. The drive by car usually takes about 90 minutes.
Jaco, Costa Rica is generally considered to be a budget-friendly destination. The cost of living is lower than in many other tourist hot spots and hotel, restaurant, and recreation prices are typically quite affordable. That being said, prices can vary depending on the time of year and the quality of the location. Therefore, one could say that Jaco is generally a cheap place to visit, but it can depend on individual preferences and budget.
No, bucear en Jaco Beach no es bueno debido a las olas, la visibilidad y la falta de coral.
El Volcán Arenal y La Fortuna están aproximadamente a 3.5-4 horas de Jaco.
Lastimosamente "no". Las aguas termales se forman cuando las rocas y otras materias profundas dentro de la superficie de la Tierra se calientan. Estos elementos calentados fuerzan el agua debajo de la superficie, creando aguas termales. Para que este fenómeno ocurra, tiene que haber una fuente de calor adecuada. En el caso de las aguas termales en Costa Rica, la mayoría de las veces, esa fuente de calor es la actividad volcánica. Dado que no hay volcanes activos en o alrededor del área de Jaco / Los Suenos, no tenemos aguas termales disponibles aquí. La fuente volcánica más cercana para las aguas termales es el Volcán Arenal en La Fortuna, que está aproximadamente a 3.5-4 horas de Jaco.
El viaje desde el aeropuerto internacional Juan Santamaría en San Jose, es de 1 hora y media de carro, lo que nos hace ser la playa turística más cercana del aeropuerto internacional.