Of course you should. Again, you are in a foreign country. You must follow the law and be aware of local laws regarding ATV use. Many areas have restrictions on where you can ride, so make sure you are familiar with any laws before taking off. If you are not up on Costa Rican law regarding use of ATV’s and offroad equipment, you have no business being on the roads or trails on your own.
Absolutely not. You are in a foreign country, take a guided ATV tour. You don’t know where you are, and you are not familiar with the flora nor the fauna that you will be surrounded by. Ride with someone who has experience riding ATVs. This is important for your safety, as well as for having someone to help in case of an emergency. Additionally, if you want to have the best experience possible, go with experts who know exactly where to take you. Going it alone can, and has had, fatal consequences.
Before embarking on any ATV tour, it is important to consider your own abilities and comfort levels when it comes to riding an ATV. If you are a beginner, you need to indicate that to your guides and let them evaluate your comfort level. If you are an experienced rider, likewise tell your guides and they can assess your skill level to determine the appropriate terrain for your tour.
Jaco beach Costa Rica has a variety of terrain types, so it is important to be aware of the type of terrain you will be driving on during your tour. Make sure to read up on the terrain beforehand or consult your guide, so you can be prepared for any tricky spots on your route.
Make sure you bring enough sunscreen, bottled water and snacks with you on your ATV tour. These supplies will be especially helpful in areas where there are no restaurants or convenience stores nearby.
Research the tour guides: Before you commit to any ATV tour in Costa Rica, make sure to do your research and find out as much as possible about the tour guide and their experience. Look for reviews online and make sure you feel comfortable with the company before you sign up for the tour.
Wear the right gear. When it comes to ATV adventures, safety should be your number one priority. Make sure to wear appropriate clothing for the weather and terrain, like long pants and closed-toed shoes. It's also important to wear a helmet to protect your head from any potential accidents.
“Side-by-Sides” are also know as UTV’s (Utility Terrain Vehicle). These vehicles look like a cross between an ATV and a dune buggy. The driver and the passenger sit side by side which is where the name was derived. Most UTV’s also have rear seating which makes this a great option for families that want to get out and explore the rainforest.
It is really a question of comfort versus sport. Our top of the line Side-by-Sides are more car-like and therefore much more intuitive for most riders. It is also tends to have a more substantial suspension which creates a much smoother ride.
If you have a family with younger kiddos, the Side-by-Sides are a great option for you. Parents can safely do all the driving and the kids can take it all in from the back of the vehicle.
Jaco Costa Rica is generally considered a safe place to visit. Although it has a reputation as a party town, there is generally low crime and violence reported in the area. Jaco is well patrolled by local police who have a presence in the streets. (View Full Blog Post)